errea stripe right

STRIPE ID represents a new level of personalization that allows you to express YOUR identity.

Show who you are and become part of the process. Create a unique line and make an exclusive garment made to measure, just for you. Be inspired, LEAD THE WAY!

wear your identity

austria volley
belgio volley
belgio volley
bielorussia volley
bulgaria volley
croazia volley
francia volley
gruppo 1f volley
gruppo 2m volley
italia volley
italia volley
olanda volley
puertorico volley
slovacchia volley
numancia stripe id
parma stripe id
numancia stripe id
parma stripe id
parma stripe id
ado den stripe id
pescara stripe id

Erreà celebrates the 30th anniversary of its foundation, reviving its iconic stripe. Erreà opens up all the space dedicated to one’s own identity and renders it totally customisable for leisurewear products.

create your own stripe id

freccia giu


define your name


define your colors


your own stripe id

your collection

shedir bia

stripe id

silko bia

stripe id

spirit bia

stripe id

spring bia

stripe id

stripe nero

stripe id